Appointment Types

The Appointments We Offer

  • New Client Appointment

    Regardless if you’ve had a colonic elsewhere, if you are coming to All’s Well That Ends Well for the first time, this 90-minute appointment is for you.



  • Return Client Appointment

    If you have visited us before, whether it be your 2nd time or your 222nd time, this location or the last, this 75-minute appointment is for you. Unless, of course, the next box is for you!



  • Extended Session

    Many clients have expressed frustration in patterns of “just getting to the good stuff” right as their time on the equipment ends. Ring a bell? Then this 90-minute appointment is for you!



If you aren’t sure which is right for you, check out the WHY & WHEN sections on our About Colonics Page.

Still aren’t sure? Please CONTACT US!

We strongly recommend that you start your colon hydrotherapy experience by having “back-to-back” sessions.  By this, we mean that you do two colonics:  one a day for two days in a row.  While this is not a mandatory way to schedule, it is recommended by The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) for many reasons:

1.  It allows you to have a more thorough cleanse (you soften up fecal matter on day one that sometimes doesn’t come out until day #2, especially if you struggle with constipation).

2.  While most clients report feelings of increased energy and well-being following their sessions, a small percentage of clients leave after their first session with minor common detoxification side effects such as having a headache or feeling tired.  Most clients report feeling great after the second session.

If you have never had a colonic with us before and want to do a back-to-back, you will sign up as a "New Client" for your first session and a "Return Client" for your second.

Your First Time!

At All’s Well That Ends Well, we honor that having a colonic can be a unique and new experience. Our goal is to provide you with a positive, safe, and professional session. Expect to be respected for wherever you are in your journey towards health and wellness.

Your first colon hydrotherapy session begins with a one-on-one consultation where we hear about you and what has inspired you to have a session.  Next, we briefly cover the theory of colonics and then walk you through the ins and outs of how the equipment works.

Post instruction, we leave the room so that you can insert the very small, sterile, disposable tube in private; lubricant is provided.  The tube is connected to the table and only has to be inserted about 1-2 inches into the rectum.  Most clients find it easy to insert, and we are also more than happy to guide you should you need assistance.

  • No! Absolutely not! That being said, it is not like a massage: You will not be lying back passively relaxing. Having a colon hydrotherapy session is more like working out at the gym. You will actively be taking in warm water and eliminating…the same way you do when you go to the bathroom on a toilet. The worst of how any session feels is that you might experience cramps, nausea, or that sensation you get when you have diarrhea. 90%of the time people are chatting to us in the midst of their session without any side effects

  • No! The system is designed in such a brilliant way that channels the air out of the building. Nothing stinky at all!

  • No! Most people are able to get all of the water out of them before they get off of the equipment. We recommend sticking around the office for a few minutes if you are concerned, although it is rare to keep eliminating post session.